Below are the updates archives of my old site. But for those of you just joining me - well, who am I?
My name is Marlon Pierre-Antoine. I've wanted to be a writer ever since I discovered the ability to entertain people with the written word at age eleven. I've attempted and failed to write two novels while I was in high school. This past January, I began writing what was supposed to be a novella - putting to the pen a story that's been in my head for some time. Wandering Stars came out, a full-length paranormal romance YA-ish novel about a girl who falls in love with... the Devil. (As a friend of mine said to me, haven't we all?) Wandering Stars demanded that it would have two sequels, so that's what's going to happen. It's in the consideration process with my favorite independent publisher right now.
I am also a writer of horror and romance short stories & flash fiction. There's a story of mine on here that you can download for free. You'll hear about other publication credits as they manifest.
You'll also find here winding rants, little notes about music that inspires me, random thoughts that have no business being on a writing blog, and of course, bald-faced promotion.
So... welcome!
CONTRACT FOR CHRISTMAS 10/10/2010 I'm entering Pink Petal Books's "Contract for Christmas" contest. A 25-40,000 word erotic romance novella by December 1st. Got the thing started and I pretty much know where I'm going with it. Will I succeed? Only time will tell.
THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. 10/04/2010 WS is done. In draft form anyway. I've cleaned up the manuscript, resolved a few continuity errors and am on the hunt for an agent. if you happen to know any, please lead them to the trap I've set outside my front door. SO FAR, SO GOOD. 8/23/2010 Modern novels tend to be anywhere from 60 to 80 thousand words long. With that in mind, I'm happy to report that I've passed the 35,000 word mark - I'm halfway done! Part one, Falling Star, has been finished for a while, although it does need some expansion and minor detail rewriting. And part two, Radiant, is almost done cooking! Onwards to Legend of the Dark Star and it's time to start self-editing and finding a publisher. Holy shit. :O PROGRESS! 7/24/2010 I'm finally writing again. I don't even know how I'm awake, given the caffeine withdrawl, but I'm doing it somehow. And considering it's been like... a week and a half since I've actually held my pen to a piece of paper, this is definitely a positive development. NEW SITE 7/16/2010 Well, here it is. All nice and flashy. Of course my fianceƩ designed the site for me. All the text is mine of course, but flash intimidates me. Even wordpress is a bit much. I prefer to just etch my stuff on stone walls using a sharpened animal bone, but Mari insisted I get with the 21st century so here I am.
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